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Hi y'all! My name is Elizabeth Knicely, but I go by Liz. I am a 35 year old wife and mother of 3 wonderful children. I am also a pet owner of a cat, dog and turtle. I am an avid home chef, ambitious artist and amateur comedian. I'm just a small town girl trying to leave a mark on this world. Welcome to my blog!

Knicely Made

Delicious Recipes &

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Writer's pictureKnicely Made <3 Liz

Left-Over Chicken Carcass Soup

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

This is my go to soup whenever I make a whole chicken. It's comfort food at it's finest and great for cold fall and winter days. Yummy!

PREP TIME 15 minutes

COOK TIME: 4 hours

TOTAL TIME: 4 hours 15 minutes



1 Chicken Carcass with visible meat on the bones

6 cups Chicken Broth

1 1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt

1/2 teaspoon Pepper

1 onion, diced

6 Carrots, cleaned and sliced

2 stalks Celery & Celery Leaves, washed and cut

1/2 teaspoon dried Dill Weed

10 ounces Egg Noodles


1. Place broth, salt, pepper, onion, 2 carrots, 1 stalk celery and leaves, dill weed and carcass into a large stockpot, and add just enough water to cover the ingredients.

2. Bring to a boil then simmer at least 2 hours.

3. Using a cheese cloth strainer, pour soup over and into another pot.

4. Remove the chicken from the bones and gather any loose chicken, then place into the strained pot of soup. Discard the rest of the bones and cooked vegetables.

5. Add the remaining 4 carrots and stalk of celery to the soup/

6. Bring to a boil then simmer at least one hour. Salt and Pepper to taste.

7. During the last 11 minutes of cooking add the egg noodles to cook them through and serve hot!


**You can substitute cooked rice for the noodles at the end of the cook time if you would like.

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